Inventing the Digital Experience Generates Millions in Views


$150M division with little antiquated or non-existent digital infrastructure



Current Promotional costs were inefficient, lacking sufficient return on investment for the executive team to continue to fund.



Implement a test case digital experience with one more round of funding and all eyes on the its success while traditional infrastructure remained.



We created an entire digital experience for a specific b2b product line by

1.    Implementing a new SEO optimized, CMS enabled, lead generation focused website (on Drupal);

2.    Delivering benefit based and persona personalized lead generation campaigns that included Pay Per Click going directly to message specific landing pages;

3.    Automating lead generation and lead nurturing to bring leads directly into salesforce with automated notification to the sales team and follow-up to the customer;

4.    Creating social media profiles for both the economic buyer and the users of the products on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.;

5.    Investing and publishing the Calling the Shots blog with free content, advice, and industry news.

6.    Forming a multi-pronged online advertising strategy for both lead generation and brand awareness;

7.    Establishing digital public relations presence with newswire publications, blogs, newsletters, and article placement; and

8.    Providing customer interaction with both each other (digital user group and online community) and with the products (development created Apps to use that we offered online as marketing and digital support).



Opportunities driven by marketing went from less than 3% to 28% overall (the funnel tripled in size).   In addition, those who responded in a different way (sales rep call, conference meeting, etc.) indicated that they used our online presence 84% of the time (market research poll, 3%+/-) prior to the event that led to the opportunity.  Our Facebook presence grew to over 250,000 followers, our online view reach grew to over 3,600,000 views per week, our blog email sign-up grew to over 36,000 subscribers, and our lead generation forms grew from 6 per week to over 42 per week.